Located within the Cold Springs Marketplace on Ronald Reagan Blvd.

Are You Dealing With Ingrown Toenails?

Are You Dealing With Ingrown Toenails?

Ingrown toenails affect millions of Americans every year—are you one of them? Here at Crystal Falls Foot + Ankle Specialists in Leander, Dr. Brian Hochman and Dr. Van Dao Hochman treat people who struggle with onychocryptosis. Learn more here.

What is an ingrown toenail?

Experts at the Cleveland Clinic state that an ingrown toenail occurs when the corners of a toenail grow into the surrounding skin. Pain, redness, swelling, and even infection may result. Left untreated, ingrown toenails can also seriously impact mobility and overall quality of life.

Treating ingrown toenails

Here at our Leander podiatric practice, Drs. Brian Hochman and Van Dao Hochman encourage patients to prevent ingrown toenails by trimming their nails straight across with clean, sharp clippers and wearing shoes with plenty of room in the toes. However, some people still develop them due to heredity (foot structure is inherited), injury, and poor pedicure techniques.

At-home remedies such as repeated warm soaks in epsom salts, antibiotic ointments, and open-toed shoes can all help mild cases. However, more severe cases often require in-office examination and treatment. People with impaired circulation in the feet and ankles, those with diabetes, and those with weak immune systems should all seek professional evaluation and treatment right away.

Most commonly, the foot doctor advises a partial nail plate avulsion. The doctor numbs the toe and removes the lateral aspect of the nail. This procedure prohibits that part of the nail from regrowing and causing a return of symptoms.

The toe is bandaged after the procedure, and the patient typically wears an open-toed sandal for several days afterward. In about a week, people can return to all of their pre-treatment activities.

Are you dealing with ingrown toenails?

At Crystal Falls Foot + Ankle Specialists, Drs. Brian and Van Dao Hochman will help and your feet feel their very best. Please call the Leander office today for an evaluation: (512) 738-8896.

Contact Us

For Podiatric Emergencies, please call our office at 512.738.8896

Office Hours


9:00 am-5:00 pm


7:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-3:00 pm



